
The center has an attached a research facility KFRC ( link) and works closely in co-operation with its scientists and facility. Recognition for the stem cell lab is at the advanced stage . With the close collaboration of KFRC many scientific articles have been published in the peer reviewed indexed journals. KFRC is also involved in processing, storing and providing human allografts.

  1. Xenofree autologus Platelet Rcich Plasmafor Chronic wound management- case seris Dr.K.krishnaiah .Praveen kumar,GV,Kavitha Ambarasu, Anand Kumar, Vaggu, Vibhudha Nanduri, Syed Beevi,Vinod kumar Verma,. Wound Medicene.2213.9015 .2017

  2. Fad pad Excision in Total knee arthroplasty does not affect functional outcome or anterior knee pain at I one year follow up Sameer rathode,Nitin Vadlamudi,Yellati lvsnr,A.H.Aswin Kumar,IVreddy,K.Krishnaiah Journal of arthroscopy and Joint surgery (2018)

  3. Efficacy of Intra articular Injection of Platelet Rich Plasma and Hyalarunic acid in early knee osteo arthritis—initial results accepted for publication in Europeal journal of Molecular and clinical medicene.

  4. Blount disease- a case report krishnaiah K. Sameer rathode, Vasil QuadriJMSR, Vol. 4,issue 1,Jan-March 2016.